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Handy Hints for a Visit from Santa

Reserve a special parking space for Santa.

It should be as close as possible to where he is appearing.  If the visit is at your home or a company facility, office building or hotel please make arrangements for Santa to park as close as possible.  This makes it easier for him to be fresh and ready to bring joy to your guests.


Have your camera/s ready.

Be sure to have your phone/camera charged necessary to take all the photos you want or need to get.


Make sure that all your guests are ready before Santa makes his entrance.

Keep your phone with you, Santa will contact you by text 5-10 minutes prior to his arrival and when he gets there.


Have a sturdy chair for Santa to sit in.

Santa usually likes a chair that is sturdy and stable. A good straight-back dinning chair without arms works well. Santa likes to sit-up or on the edge of the chair. He should be able to sit comfortably and have a child on his knee.


Have your gifts ready.

Santa can carry in one bag of supplied presents for children or guests. They should be well labeled. We suggest a large black marking pen and writing directly on the gift wrapping, as tags can easily fall off. Santa REALLY appreciates a helper that can call out the names! All packages should fit into one 35-gallon trash bag and not too heavy. Otherwise, it may be to heavy or awkward for him to bring in. If you have more than one bag, check with Santa and see if there is a way to have the gifts near his chair before he arrives or if there is a way for him to have "helpers" to bring the extra gifts in.


Place the chair near your Christmas tree or fireplace setting.

Your photos will have more impact when the background has a festive look. Leave a foot or two between the chair and the tree or wall. This will allow room for others to gather around and behind Santa's chair for group photos. Don't worry, we can move around to take lots of photos with everyone.


It’s very important that you treat me as Santa Claus and not as someone that plays Santa Claus. Don’t ask questions about when I started playing Santa or where did he get my suit. Also, Santa is a wholesome, child-oriented character. Please instruct your guests to not compromise that image by having Santa hand out adult only gifts, or behaving in a lewd manner either with or in the presence of Santa.


Please help keep the wonder of Christmas alive for your children and others.

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